jueves, 18 de julio de 2019

César Vallejo and Peru, how to invoke the end of the evils of the corrupt

César Vallejo and Peru, how to invoke the end of the evils of the corrupt

Peru is a paradoxical country, rich and poor at the same time, with a great potential annulled by hostile forces; a country that wants to be big and run but at the same time is dominated by the inferiority complex and lack of self-esteem, a country that ties its feet again and again; a country without a direction or north that desperately looks for a leader but chooses the worst representatives of the political and moral lumpen (although electoral fraud already installed as usual practice in the JNE is not ruled out), a country that says to seek the light but It leads to dark and dark roads, a country that wants to be big and respectable but rejects the practice of values ​​and necessary virtues.

A country that suffers the condemnation of Sisyphus, eternally dragging the heavy burden of corruption. When he believes that, in new elections, a candidate will come up to the expectations, challenges and desires of progress and order (reaching the summit), he is discovered to be a ruffian worse than all the previous ones together, and Sisyphus - the people Peruvian- is dragged back to the bottom.

Is that all of Peru is like that? Are all Peruvians like that? No, there are many Peruvians who are coherent, honest, claim values ​​and practice them, but they are not a majority and they do not have access to opportunities to demonstrate that if they can progress without cheating or trickery. On behalf of them, the adaptation of the poem "Masa" by César Vallejo, a great Peruvian poet, is presented.

I take the liberty of paraphrasing Vallejo's poem because I believe it is not a crime to do so. It is not plagiarism, I admit that I use the same structure and even words, because the intention is not to appear as a poet but to reveal an intense and deep desire, which must surely be the same desire of honest Peruvians who believe in values, who We believe that you can build a healthy and strong country - morally physical - that can thrive with personal and collective work and effort. Currently, corruption is felt in the air, even in the miasma, it is asphyxiating and visible as polluted air, if it does not stop it will end up killing all the good that still remains. I hope that the Vallejians do not tear their clothes and assume that I am invading their sacred territory. Great poets and writers have made adaptations of the works of other great writers.

Author: Carlos Rivas R. (or any honest and diligent Peruvian)


At the end of fraudulent elections
and sitting the corrupt on the throne, an honest Peruvian came to him
and he said: "Do not be corrupt, do not steal riches, do not steal our future!"
But the corrupt ay! He kept stealing (and corrupting).

Two honest Peruvians approached him and repeated:
«Do not waste our potential! Piety! Think of the Peruvians who trusted you! »
But the corrupt ay! He kept stealing and corrupting.

Twenty, a hundred, a thousand, five hundred thousand honest Peruvians came to him,
crying "So much confidence, so much hope lost and nothing against corruption and immorality!"
But the corrupt ay! He kept stealing and corrupting.

He was surrounded by millions of honest Peruvians,
with a common request:
 «Be honest, work, fuck!»
But the corrupt ay! He kept stealing and corrupting.

Then all Peruvians, living and dead raised from ancient tombs,
The Mochicas, those of Caral, those of Tawantinsuyo, those of the indomitable jungle
they surrounded him; he saw the corrupt fearful, seeing that his accomplices fled,
seeing the charred skeletons that his yellowish and bony hands extended to him;
He slowly rose from the throne, took the suitcase with money and jewels,
He pushed the first honest man, he made his way;
and ran after his accomplices ...

Original poem:

Cesar Vallejo


At the end of the battle,
and the fighter died, a man came to him
and said: "Do not die, I love you so much!"
But the corpse! He kept dying.

Two approached him and repeated:
"Do not leave us! Value! Come back to life!"
But the corpse! He kept dying.

Twenty, a hundred, a thousand, five hundred thousand came to him,
crying "So much love and not being able to do anything against death!"
But the corpse! He kept dying.

He was surrounded by millions of individuals,
with a common request:
 «Stay brother!»
But the corpse! He kept dying.

Then all the men of the earth
they surrounded him; he saw the sad, excited corpse;
He got up slowly,
He embraced the first man; He started walking ...

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